In late January 2022, the Sea Shepherd UK commissioned opinion research company OnePoll to conduct public opinion research regarding Europeans’ perspectives on whale and dolphin hunts. The rationale for this research was to create evidence around European views of the legality and appropriate consequences for the hunting of dolphins and whales in Europe.
The purpose of the research was to understand:
Consumer awareness of illegal dolphin and whale hunting in Europe;
Consumer support for government action against nations who participate in dolphin and whale hunting
Consumer support for economic penalties against nations who participate in dolphin and whale hunting (e.g., boycotting of trade, goods and services)
The research surveyed three markets in late January/early February 2022: Denmark, the UK, and Germany. For each market, 2000 participants were surveyed. Participants in each market were representative of the geography, gender, and age. Five questions were asked, focusing on the respondents’ knowledge of whale/dolphin hunting, their willingness to support government interventions, and hypothetical involvement in boycotts.
Key Findings
Overall, the findings confirmed the hypothesis that UK, Danish, and German residents are opposed to the hunting of whales and dolphins and are willing to take action to pressure other countries to abolish these practices. Key statistics included:
Nearly three quarters of those surveyed – or 74% - were unaware of the current legality around dolphin and whale hunting in Europe, demonstrating that there is an awareness vacuum about the activity in Europe;
Nearly two thirds of those surveyed – or 65% - would support government action or boycotts in response to countries killing dolphins and whales;
Regarding the most popular area of support, respondents (69%) were most supportive of their government making it a standard condition in all trade agreements that other European countries must not hunt whales and/or dolphins.
68% of the total respondents were supportive of some type of government action (e.g., economic/diplomatic action, and trade provisions);
Nearly two-thirds – or 62% - of those surveyed were supportive of economic boycotting of European countries that kill dolphins and whales (e.g, tourist, products, and services);
Of all the countries surveyed, German respondents were the least aware that the killing of dolphins and whales is legal and active in Europe, with 83% believing that it is either illegal or not taking place;
German respondents overall were the most supportive of taking action against whale and dolphin hunting (72%), followed by the UK (69%) and Denmark (54%);
Country Specific Findings:
Highlight Finding: 76% of respondents were unaware of the current legality around dolphin and whale hunting in Europe.
By Region:
Respondents from the West Midlands had the highest levels of knowledge with 44% answering correctly. Respondents from the North West had the lowest levels of knowledge with only 27% answering correctly.
By Gender:
Male respondents had higher levels of knowledge with 39% answering correctly, while 24% of females answered correctly.
By Age:
Younger respondents (8-24) had the highest levels of knowledge with 34% answering correctly, while middle aged respondents (35-54), had the lowest level of knowledge with 28% answering correctly.
Highlight Finding: 69% of UK respondents supported some degree of action against whale and dolphin hunting whether it be diplomatic/economic action or trade provisions
By Region:
East Anglia and the North East were the region(s) that most supported some type of action (74% of respondents supported action, respectively). Yorkshire and the Humber Brandenburg was the region that supported action the least, with only 62% of respondents supporting action.
By Gender:
Males were slightly more likely to support some type of action (71%) than females (67%)
By Age:
Older respondents (55+) were most likely to support some type of action with 70% of them of supporting action. Younger respondents (18-34) were slightly less likely to support action with 67% supporting action.
Highlight Finding: 83% respondents were unaware of the current legality around dolphin and whale hunting in Europe.
By Region:
Respondents from Berlin had the highest levels of knowledge with 21% answering the correctly. Respondents from Mecklenburg-Vorpommern had the lowest levels of knowledge with only 9% answering correctly.
By Gender:
Male respondents had higher levels of knowledge with 19% answering correctly, while 15% of females answered correctly
Highlight Finding: 72% of Germans supported some degree of action against whale and dolphin hunting whether it be diplomatic/economic action or trade provisions.
By Region:
Baden-Württemberg, Bayern, and Sachsen- Sachsen-Anhalt were the region(s) that most supported some type of action (74% of respondents supported action, respectively). Brandenburg was the region that supported action the least, with only 69% of respondents supporting action.
By Gender:
Males were more likely to support some type of action (73%) than females (71%)
Highlight Finding: 71% respondents were unaware of the current legality around dolphin and whale hunting in Europe.
By Region:
Respondents from Hovedstaden and Nordjylland had the highest levels of knowledge with 32% of respondents from each region answering correctly. Respondents from Syddanmark had the lowest level of knowledge with only 23% answering correctly.
By Gender:
Male respondents had higher knowledge with 31% answering correctly, while 26% of females answered correctly.
Support for Action
Highlight Finding: 54% of Danish respondents supported some degree of action against whale and dolphin hunting whether it be diplomatic/economic action or trade provisions.
By Region:
Hovedstaden was the region that most supported some type of action with 55% of respondents supporting action, respectively. Nordjylland Brandenburg was the region(s) that supported action the least, with only 52% of respondents supporting action.
By Gender:
Males were slightly more likely to support some type of action (56%) than females (52%)
I would boycott any country that supports this kind of behavior!